S.KI SOLID tipper trailers with their rounded steel bodies represent the all-purpose transport solution for building materials. Thanks to their excellent wear resistance, these tippers are perfect for abrasive materials.
  • TypeTipper semi-trailers
  • BodyRounded steel body
  • Volume21-56
  • Type length7.2 / 8.2 / 9.6 / 10.5
  • Višina korita1.300 - 2.500mm
  • Osi2 - 3
  • ChassisSteel
  • Podvozje
  • Vozni mehanizem
  • Osvetlitev
  • Deli za dogradnjo
Running gear
Side marking lights for enhanced road safety

Flashing side marking lights

The flashing side marking lights (SML) help to avoid accidents when turning. When the driver indicates, the side marking lights on the semi-trailer also flash, signalling to other road users that the vehicle is about to turn.
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Deli za dogradnjo
  • Korito
  • Dno in stranske stene
  • Streha in prekrivala
  • Delovni oder
  • Zadnji del
Delovni oder
Working platform for the S.KI LIGHT

Delovni oder

Delovni oder s protizdrsnim dnom, lestev za vstop v korito in pritrditev hidravličnih gibkih cevi omogočajo enostavno in varno upravljanje rolo ponjave.
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  • ob-board-weight-system
  • Sistemi za nadzor tlaka v pnevmatikah
  • prikaza obrabe zavornih oblog
Pressure monitoring system
Brake pad wear indicator
Brake pads always in sight

Brake pad wear indicator

The wear display signals at an early stage when a brake pad needs replacement, ensuring greater safety in road traffic and avoiding downtime and high consequential costs.
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The Geiger Group tests S.KI tipper semi-trailers

Geiger Group

The Oberstdorf-based Geiger Group tests Schmitz Cargobull prototypes. This customer relationship also began with a test.
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Pogodbe o servisiranju

S primerno pogodbo o storitvah obdržite popoln nadzor nad stroški, mi pa poskrbimo, da ostanete mobilni!
Več o:Pogodbe o servisiranju
Service Partners keep you mobile and minimise your downtimes.


S telematiko TrailerConnect® dobite vse potrebne informacije o vaših vozilih.
Več o:Telematika
TrailerConnect? telematics provides you with all the information you need on your trailers.


Izdelamo vam individualno ponudbo s privlačnimi pogoji za celoten življenjski cikel vaše investicije.
Več o:Financiranje
Individual quote with attractive terms and conditions for the entire lifecycle of your investment.

+386 2 8761 291

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